File Submission
Synapse™ InSite®:
This option is a portal that lets you work directly with CG over the Internet. InSite is based on a PDF workflow and the recommended file type is PDF. InSite helps to manage the PDF file delivery, proofing, corrections and approval process so it is more efficient. Corporate Graphics has supplied a link to educate yourself with this process. If this option interests you, please contact your sales representative for further details
FTP site
This has become the preferred method for many of our customers. To upload to a remote site you will need three elements: the IP/Server address, a user name and a password. These can be obtained through your sales representative before placing your order. Follow this link to upload your files. Please compress your files to protect them from corruption.
If your file is small enough (under 2 MB), you can zip it and send it via e-mail. Most PDFs, however, cannot be sent this way due to size limitations. Files frequently become corrupt as they travel through the e-mail, and can be forwarded on to multiple people. Be sure to use a compression program to avoid corruption.
You can place your files on CD or DVD and mail or deliver them to Corporate Graphics. Although this is a slower method of delivery, it gives you an opportunity to send all files to us, including a "collected" version—beneficial if we find errors in your PDF. There would be no need to go back to you to fix the file; we can fix it for you in the collected version.